Samsung's 5G network is 30 times faster than 4G

Samsung feels the need; the need for 5G speed
Easy, speedy

Forget scraping along on a meagre 4G connection; Samsung's busy developing white-knuckle 5G speed for us all to enjoy.

The South Korean tech giant has announced two speedy milestones today, the first of which is a massive 7.5Gbps 5G download speed. That's 940MB per second or, as Samsung casually notes, the fastest 5G data transmission rate ever recorded.

The second is a stable and uninterrupted 1.2Gbps connection that Samsung says it achieved whilst travelling at 100 km/h.

Testing, testing...

Both tests were carried out over a 28GHz 5G network - a frequency that up until now hasn't been used due to short communication range. Samsung says it circumnavigated this by developing its own technology based on millimetre wave frequency bands.

Furthermore, the company is developing what it calls the 5G Rainbow - a set of seven core technical pillars of 5G development that it hopes will become industry standard. The news comes just after Samsung announced a zippy new Wi-Fi speed that it hopes to roll out next year.

Unfortunately, real world use is still some time away, as the standard Samsung is proposing has yet to be ratified and then there's network aquisition and rollout of the spectrum to work through.

Safe to say, your 4G SIM isn't going out of date just yet.

Want to find out more about 5G? Check out our dedicated 5G hub!